Help for English

Phrasal Verbs Game


stick in – ulpět, utkvít, utkvět, zarýt se (v paměti)

Her name has stuck in my memory.TTT

lie in – zůstat ráno déle v posteli, poležet si

At the weekend, I can lie in till late in the morning.

hand in – odevzdat, predat

We are supposed to hand in the essay today. TTT

hand over – předat (zbraň, šek…)

Police to a burglar, caught in the act: “Man, you're in trouble. Better hand the gun over to Sergeant Barton over here.” TTT

hand sth down – odkázat (potomkům), předávat dál podle tradice

This chocolate cake recipe has been handed down in our family for generations. TTT

hand out (to) – rozdavat, davat, vydavat (komu)

All the required info can be found in the leaflets Jen is handing out to you right now. TTT

cut out – vyřadit, odstranit, vyloučit

He should cut out this type of food because he suffers from serious illness.TTT

sneak out - to go out of a place quietly and in secret

Have you ever been caught sneaking out of your house? TTT

hang out (informal)- chodit mezi lidi, trávit čas s přáteli, vyrazit si s někým apod.

We should hang out sometime. TTT

bring out sth – uvést co, přijít s čím (na trh), vydat (knihu)

They have just brought out a new roadster.TTT

bring up – vnést do konverzace (téma, informace atd.), vychovávat

  • Whay are you bringing this up now? TTT
  • I was brought up by a single mother.TTT

put the wind up sb (British, informal) – to make somebody frightened TTT

Look at him, the movie has put the wind up him.

put down – to kill an animal, usually by giving it a drug, because it is old or sick TTT

“If the medicine doesn't work, our dog is gonna have to be put down.” TTT

put sb up – poskytnou pristresek (nekomu), ubytovat u sebe doma (nekoho)

I have a family there, so there's no need to be concerned about lodging because they'll put us up. TTT

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Karel vložený před 12 lety

put sb up – poskytnou pristresek (nekomu), ubytovat u sebe doma (nekoho)

I have a family there, so there's no need to be concerned about lodging because they'll put us up. TTT

Sloveso put sb up je už na stránce 1… ;-)


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