Help for English



Hello, my name is Terra. I am a beginner in english. I want to be better in english. I found everybody who wants to corespond with me. my email is bye

I have a beautiful penfriend and you? :D I have a penfriend, too but I did not see her, so I don´t know how does she look. And you? I have famouse penfriend :D And is he beautiful? :D yes :)..very beautiful..And you? NO :((((

Is there anybody who would like to write in English:?:I would write with somebody about your culture and life. WRITE ME!


Is here anybody from England or the USA? WRITE ME PLEASE! :o I would like only write with you. I'm waiting for your response. :-(

I'm so happy!:-D The school is over :idea: and the holidays are begining :-D :-) during a few days.What will you do during summer holidays :?::oops:And what about your certificate :?: WRITE ME
LW(last word):Immediately!

Write me ! :-) :-D

Well,holidays are here :shock: How will you spend holidays :?: Write me :-)

hey, are there any advanced english speakers here who would care for a chat? my english is getting a bit rusty and I would like to get to know some new ppl. just pm me if you like

hi, i'm andrea and i'm looking for some friends who would write with me in english. i'm begginer and i want to get improve in this language :) i'm from ostrava.when you live there we'll be able to speak together :-)

Hi everyone! Have you tried site „interpals“ ? Try it, there are many people from all around the world.They might help you with your english.There is a smart filter.You can find even someone who speaks english and wants to speak czech.That´s the best case.Good luck everybody.

Hey i have the same problem like you.I want improve my english and i need penfriend ! Please write me on my e-mail :

Hi guys. I have not read whole discussion, but if you wanna somebody to chat with, just go on site There are people from all over the world, and you can easily find your penfriend. There are some courses where you can improve any language too. There are lot of people who would like to learn Slovak, Czech so if you will help them they will help you in reverse. If you wanna help with that or just add me my nickname is Shinnie there.

Hi.I'm Denisa and i want to write in English too.Is somebody here? :)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Denn :) vložený před 12 lety

Hi.I'm Denisa and i want to write in English too.Is somebody here? :)

HI! If you want, we will write via e-mail.:-)


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