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"You're Away" by Rapture

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 26.10.2006

Poslechněte si skvělou rockovou píseň „You're Away“ od skupiny Rapture, a doplňte do textu písně chybějící slova.

Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.

You're Away

I the times
Hearts in tune
Without word
Just a at you
Well the haze time
Well it clouds heart
Blurring the
There, yet apart

And I try to on
but you're  away

I open my and I out to you
But you're away, oh you're away
I'm to you,I'm for you
But you're away, oh you're away
And I hold out my in the 

We go on day
, Goodbye
The same way
The end, goodnight
Go through the
Of everyday life
Trying to it all seem all right


As I look the shadows of time
I smile to
‚Cause when you mine
No faults and no blames
And when collide, it‘s never the same
And I thank you for the times we shared

Written by Franz Hoff, performed by Rapture
Visit the website of the band at

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Rapture - You're Away

Slovní zásoba z písně skupiny Rapture – You're Away

"Waiting" by Rapture

Poslechněte si další rockovou píseň od skupiny Rapture s názvem ‚Waiting‘, a doplňte do textu písně chybějící slova.

Rapture - Waiting

Slovní zásoba z písně skupiny Rapture – ‚Waiting‘
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