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Questions: Brad Pitt

ELEMENTARY Vydáno dne 05.11.2006

V tomto příspěvku si přečtete informace o americkém herci Bradu Pittovi a procvičíte si tvoření otázek v angličtině.

Read the information about Brad Pitt and then complete the questions below.

Brad Pitt

Born: 1963
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Favorite pets: dogs
Favorite sports: cycling, tennis, climbing
Hates: spiders and sharks

William Bradley Pitt was born in 1963 in Oklahoma. The family moved to Springfield, Missouri, where Brad attended high school. He studied at the University of Missouri, but didn't finish the school and went to California with only 375 dollars in his pocket. He took several odd jobs to earn a little money to pay for acting lessons. He then appeared in a few television shows and quickly found his way to the movie screen. Today, he is one of the most successful American movie stars.

He lives with the actress Angelina Jolie and their three children.

Now complete the questions. Use the text to help you.
Use personal pronouns HE/HIS, THEY/THEIR when possible! TTT *1

  1. Když je to možné, používejte osobní a přivlastňovací zájmena. Nepoužívejte celé jméno!

1. What's ? – William.

2. born? – In 1963.

3. ? – To Springfield, Missouri.

4. university? – No, he left the school in his senior year.

5. How in his pocket when he went to California? – 375 dollars.

6. Who ? – With Angelina Jolie.

7. ? – Three.

8. ? – 183 cm.

9. How ? – 72 kg.

10. ? – Spiders and sharks.

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