Help for English

Word formation 3

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 13.06.2007

Test znalosti tvoření slov pomocí různých koncovek.

Complete each gap with a suitable form of the word in brackets.

His face was full of sadness (sad) and grief.

1. The blue whale is currently listed as an (danger) species.

2. The president is (confide) that the military is doing everything it can to find the missing soldiers.

3. Among the population of (produce) age are people who are not currently employed or actively seeking employment.

4. Some people, such as police officers or firefighters, have jobs that require them to be very (courage).

5. The band has a (rehearse) every Monday night.

6. My first (impress) of Jack was that he's too proud.

7. She was (despair) to get her job back.

8. I bought him two tickets for the concert, just out of (generous).

9. Many excellent artists lived and died in (poor).

10. I said I didn't know anything about the theft but it wasn't (entire) true.

Stovky podobných vět k doplnění naleznete také v naší online aplikaci English Me. Více informací zde.


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Word formation 1

Test znalosti tvoření slov pomocí různých koncovek.


Word formation 2

Test znalosti tvoření slov pomocí různých koncovek.


Word formation 4

Test znalosti tvoření slov pomocí různých koncovek.

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