Help for English

Grammar in Forrest Gump Quotes

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 06.05.2008

Gramatický test, kde do citátů z filmu Forrest Gump doplníte vždy jednu ze čtyř možností.

Forrest Gump Quotes

Grammar test

  1. My mama always said life ________ like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

  2. I'm not a smart man, but I know what ________.

    • Mama, what does vacation mean?
      • Vacation's when you go somewhere… and you ________ come back.
  3. You died ________ a Saturday morning. And I had you placed here under our tree.

  4. Don't you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something ________ all destined to do.

  5. Sometimes I guess there just aren't ________.

    • Have you found Jesus ________, Gump?
      • I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.
    • Have you ever been with a girl, Forrest?
      • I sit next to them in my home economics class ________ the time.
    • His name's Forrest.
      • Like me.
      • I named him ________ his daddy.
      • He got a daddy named Forrest, too?
      • You're his daddy, Forrest.
  6. I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas and I don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice ________ the wide world.

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Life is like a...

Přečtěte si deset anglických citátů o životě a zkuste do nich doplnit klíčová slova.


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