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BUSINESS 03: CV (storyline)

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 30.01.2009

Úvodní příběh třetí lekce, kde si naše hlavní postava sestavuje svůj životopis.

Course Map (mapa kurzu)


V druhé lekci našeho kurzu si Michael našel inzerát, který ho oslovil. Nyní sestavuje svůj životopis.


Hi, everyone. So I spent two days trying to put my CV together. It's only a draft, I still have to put some final touches to it tonight. Hopefully, it will get some attention. After all, I think I match their requirements. Do you want to see it? Here it is:

Curriculum Vitae


Name: Michael Skoda
Address: Dlouha 5432, Prague
Telephone number: +420 222 100 100
Mobile telephone number: +420 732 100 100
Email address:
Nationality: Czech
Date of birth: 15 August, 1975
Marital status: single


May 2005 – December 2008
Business Analyst - ABC Logistics, Prague

- Developed and led implementation of store improvement programs.
- Coordinated all new inventory procedures.

- Developed strategies for execution and measurement of key initiatives designed to improve sales, inventory, and safety issues.

January 2001 – April 2005
Business Development Manager – Freight D, Prague

- Prepared a detailed business plan.
- Attended workshops, trade shows, and seminars to keep up-to-date on changes in the industry.
- Developed a situation analysis of the company including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to assist in the development of a strategic plan for the future of the business.

September 1998 – December 2000
Sales Representative – IT Data Ltd., Prague

- Developed a sales strategy.
- Worked closely with the Sales Manager to identify potential markets.
- Maintained contact with customers and obtained follow up business.
- Received company's highest sales award two years in a row.


1996 – 1998
Master's Degree in Business Management
Prague Business College

Principle studies included: Accounting, Business communications, Finance, Marketing. Secondary studies included: advertising, economics, and management. Summer internship in business development and marketing strategies at University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

1993 – 1996
Bachelor's Degree in Business Management
Prague Business College

Principle studies included: Accounting, Business, and Economics. Secondary studies included: new marketing strategies such as website development, e-mail marketing, mobile phone text marketing, and social networking.


- Good interpersonal skills, communication skills and positive attitude.
- Excellent organisational skills.
- Capable of providing support.
- Fast learner, organized and punctual.
- Excellent telephone, verbal, and writing skills.


- Advanced user of Russian and English.


- Driving licence
- Computer skills: Advanced user of MS Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.


References available upon request.

So, do you like it? I'm going to send it as soon as I finish my cover letter, which is quite a crucial part of the letter of application. I will show it to you too, next time. Wish me luck.

Michaelův průvodní dopis si ukážeme ve čtvrté lekci. Ve třetí lekci nás ale ještě čeká kapitola WORD and PHRASE ANALYSES, kde si rozebereme užitečná slovíčka a spojení z tohoto textu, TIPS and TRICKS, ve které si probereme, co vše by měl obsahovat životopis.

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BUSINESS 03: CV (word analyses)

Pojďme si rozebrat některá užitečná slovíčka a výrazy z Michaelova životopisu.

BUSINESS 03: CV (word quiz A)

Jednodušší quiz, ve kterém si můžete otestovat znalosti slovíček a vazeb, které jsme si rozebrali v článku Word Analyses, který se věnoval psaní životopisů.
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