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Multiple choice: A Letter to Students

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 11.01.2009

Do autentického textu doplníte chybějící slova (výběrem z nabídky).

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:

We believe that the environment that we create in our schools needs to be of mutual respect so that our students can make great academic and personal . We want each and every student to have a great school year, and to be of his or her accomplishments.

In to create this type of environment for our students, the Code of Student is necessary. Students and parents, please review this handbook . It highlights the policies and rules that our schools must have, and the consequences that will occur when are violations. This way, everyone knows what to expect  front.

a safe and positive learning environment for all students is our goal.Let's work together to this goal.


Marianne T. Bartley, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools

Text from the Handbook for Students of Lebanon High School, Pennsylvania, USA.
Used with kind permission of the school principal Thomas E. Jordan.

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Americké školní pojmy

Vysvětlení nejrůznějších anglických pojmů, které pravděpodobně uslyšíte v prostředí amerických středoškoláků.

The High School Prom

Jak vypadá takový ‚prom‘, neboli americká obdoba českého maturitního plesu.

Multiple choice: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Do textu o Arnoldovi Schwarzeneggerovi doplníte z nabídky chybějící výrazy.
Copyright info:

Text from the Handbook for Lebanon High School Students.
Used with kind permission of the school principal Thomas E. Jordan.

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