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Miscellaneous Upper. Test 20 (revision C)

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 04.06.2009

Opakování z UPPER-INTERMEDIATE testů 11–19, verze C

  1. The disease proved to be ________ contagious. Thousands died within just a few days.

  2. How many men were needed to ________ up the church clock every Sunday?

  3. Those were the ________ most delicious cupcakes I've ever had. Could you give me the recipe?

  4. ________ it was difficult for me to understand him but then I got used to his accent.

  5. The whole stadium ________ crazy when our team won!

  6. They gave her a bottle of ________ wine.

  7. The soldiers quickly got down to ________ being seen by the enemy.

  8. Guess what! I ________ into your cousin Joan on my way to work this morning. She says hi.

  9. The teacher crossed the line and should, ________ all means, be fired immediately.

  10. ________ parents, we should encourage our children to talk about themselves and their feelings.

  11. I think he didn't tell us what he did, ________?

  12. Jesus said we ________ one another and I believe that's true.

  13. At the meeting, Susan ________ up the question of who would be in charge of the D-block.

  14. Only later ________ that his family lived only a few blocks away from my house.

  15. Jenna has a ________ because she wasn't invited to Julie and Fred's wedding.

Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme! , která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.

Pokračovat můžete zde:


Miscellaneous Upper. Test 20 (revision A)

Opakování z UPPER-INTERMEDIATE testů 11–19, verze A


Miscellaneous Upper. Test 20 (revision B)

Opakování z UPPER-INTERMEDIATE testů 11–19, verze B


Miscellaneous Upper. Test 20 (revision D)

Opakování z UPPER-INTERMEDIATE testů 11–19, verze D

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