Help for English

Irregular Verbs: TEST (pre-intermediate 4)

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 19.11.2009

Otestujte si znalosti nepravidelných sloves ve čtvrtém testu úrovně PRE-INTERMEDIATE.

Vyberte nejvhodnější sloveso a doplňte do každé věty jeho správný tvar:

  bite speak
  find spell
  hide steal
  learn understand
  lose wake
  1. When they played hide-and-seek, little Michael so well that the other kids couldn't find him for two hours.
  2. During the next act, we heard a drum roll, but the ropewalker his balance and fell. Fortunately, there was a safety net.
  3. Pete was up in the middle of the night by a very strange noise coming from his attic. As it turned out, it was just an owl.
  4. Janet always highly of our boss. I didn't like him very much though. I'm glad I don't work in his department anymore.
  5. I my name twice, but the receptionist still got it wrong and when my wife called the hotel, she wasn't put through.
  6. I must admit I very little from what our teacher told us yesterday and I'm sure I will fail the test.
  7. Don't go anywhere near that dog. It me quite badly yesterday. Look!
  8. Rachel saw a nice sweater in a shop window. She tried it on and it fit perfectly, but when she out how much it cost, she almost fainted.
  9. I to drive when I was 18, but I didn't own a car until I was 30. That's why I didn't really drive much for quite a long time.
  10. Two thieves a very expensive painting from the new exhibition on the day of its opening.

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Irregular Verbs: TEST (intermediate 4)

Otestujte si znalosti nepravidelných sloves ve čtvrtém testu úrovně INTERMEDIATE. Jako obvykle se můžete při vyhodnocení naučit užitečná slovíčka a vazby.


Irregular Verbs: TEST (pre-intermediate 3)

Otestujte si znalosti nepravidelných sloves ve třetím testu úrovně PRE-INTERMEDIATE.


Irregular Verbs: TEST (pre-intermediate 1)

Otestujte si znalosti nepravidelných sloves v prvním testu úrovně PRE-INTERMEDIATE.

Komentáře k článku
Téma Přísp. Přečteno Poslední příspěvek
Nepřečteno Irregular Verbs: TEST (pre-intermediate #4) 3 12812 Od Roman Svozílek poslední příspěvek
před 15 lety