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Quiz: The Big Bang Theory Trivia

ALL LEVELS Vydáno dne 20.07.2012

Do you know the Big Bang Theory well? Try this quiz…

  1. Sheldon and Leonard have to walk ________ flights of stairs to get to their apartment.

  2. Which of the following is ‘Sheldon’s spot'?

  3. Sheldon Cooper can't and will not ________.

  4. Penny is from ________.

  5. Which of the four friends does not have a Ph.D.?

  6. Sheldon, Leonard, Raj and Howard work at ________.

  7. Penny works at the Cheesecake ________.

  8. What video game do the four friends like to play together THE MOST?

  9. Sheldon's mother is a ________.

  10. How does Sheldon knock on Penny's door? ________ (of course, the whole thing done three times in a row)

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