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Cloze: Minecraft

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Cloze: Minecraft

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Minecraft: Building the World with Digital Lego

According to the Minecraft website, more 12 million people have already bought Minecraft and more are buying it every day. That's not bad a game that was released any advertising, or the financial backing of large companies. Minecraft has grown popularity all around the world, mainly thanks to word of mouth. It’s not an action game; it’s not a shoot ‘em up game. In , most of the time not much happens. So is it so popular?

Minecraft is a box of digital Lego, but it can do so more. When you begin the game, you’re placed in a randomly generated world – you could be by the ocean, in a forest or by a cave. It’s been described as a ‘sandbox’ game, which that you make your own fun with whatever tools have, like a child in a sandbox with a bucket and a spade. are no rules, no instruction manual and no ending – and that’s why people believe it’s been so successful.

The game has two modes, survival and creative. In creative, you have to materials and can build amazing structures or lands. In survival mode, you have build a shelter to protect yourself from zombies, which out at night. Every brick you have to find or make yourself, all the while watching out for dangerous monsters. But it’s creative or survival mode, the world is your oyster.

Text written by Jo Molloy (UK), originally published by BRIDGE PUBLISHING, Bridge Magazine, December 2013 You can read the original text here: MINECRAFT: Building the world with ‘digital Lego’

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Text © Bridge Publishing. Used with permission.

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Nepřečteno Cloze: Minecraft 8 9040 Od Marek Vít poslední příspěvek
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