Eggs and Tricks, But No Whips
Easter memories from native English speakers
TIP: Při čtení článku si dvojklikem na neznámá slovíčka vyhledáte jejich význam ve slovníčku.
Easter in English-speaking countries is very different from the Czech holiday. In America, it’s a very religious event for Christians, not a public holiday, and it’s not the most popular holiday in the UK, either. It definitely doesn’t involve hitting women or drinking shots of alcohol! We asked some of our writers to tell us what they remember about their childhood Easters.
The egg thief
There’s a statistic that says that, on average, British kids get five Easter eggs each. In my family, we would get a large chocolate Easter egg from each member of the family – normally a hollow chocolate egg with another smaller sweet inside. One year, I found a way to quadruple my Easter treats.

a Cadbury Creme Egg
That year, apart from the four large eggs we received from my family, my grandparents decided to buy us a dozen Creme Eggs each. These are basically the same size as an egg. They’re made of chocolate on the outside and, when you bite them, there is a thick, sweet, yellow and white filling inside that looks like a boiled egg. I secretly told my sister they were real eggs. She was horrified and immediately gave her stash to me. For weeks afterwards, I slowly demolished those 24 eggs. Every Easter to this day, my sister reminds me that she hasn’t forgiven me!
- Jo Molloy (UK)
The longest egg hunt ever
Americans love egg hunting at Easter, and my family was no different. My parents would fill plastic eggs full of chocolates, jelly beans, and other candies, hide them in the yard, and my three sisters and I would have tons of fun finding them.
One year, we decided to have the egg hunt at my grandparents’ house in the country. They had an enormous grassy lawn with plenty of small flower gardens on all sides of the house, plus some trees and rocky areas. It was the perfect place to hide eggs! In fact, it ended up being too perfect. We weren’t able to find all the eggs, and my grandparents couldn’t remember where the rest of them were. Every time we visited my grandparents for the next few months, we always found at least one or two plastic eggs somewhere, full of melted chocolate and sticky sweets!
- Megan LeBoeuf (USA)
Originally published by BRIDGE PUBLISHING, Bridge Magazine, April 2015

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