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British TV shows (quiz)

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 15.08.2018

Znáte názvy britských televizních pořadů?

  1. ________ is a British television quiz show (presented by Anne Robinson) where nine contestants answer general knowledge questions. The objective of each round is to create a chain of nine correct answers in a row and earn an increasing amount of money within a time limit.

  2. In ________ several entrepreneurs have an opportunity to present their business ideas to a panel of five wealthy investors. One or more of them may want to invest their hard-earned coins.

  3. Probably the most popular British television dance contest is called ________.

  4. A TV show in which two families, usually from different social classes, swap wives.

  5. ________ is a popular British cooking programme where four or five amateur chefs compete against each other. Each contestant hosts a dinner party for the others.

  6. A very popular British sitcom from the 1970's (created and written by John Cleese) about a rude hotel manager and his colleagues.

  7. ________ is a British period drama series about a man who, in 1909, established a huge department store in London that is still popular today.

  8. ________ is a British children's animated television show about a building contractor and his friends.

  9. Probably the most popular British science-fiction television programme. The show depicts the adventures of a “Time Lord”, an extraterrestrial being from the planet Gallifrey.

  10. The world's longest-running soap opera is ________. This British show started in 1960.

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