Help for English

pouzivane frazy :D


I hate to impose, but how about those fasteners?

Proc kdyz mluvis o necem co se utahuje a povoluje pouzivas „fasteners“? Proc ne proste „bolt“ nebo „screw“? Nerikam ze to nemas dobre, jenom me to zajima.

Ja kdyz chci rict neco utahnout ci povolit tak pouzivam „tighten“ nebo „loosen“.

Fasteners means „spojovaci material“ which means screws, bolts, nuts, pins, snap rings and so on. It is possible to use „tighten“ or „loosen“ in relation to screws or bolts but what about the other threaded/taped parts as e.g lead screws or set screws? They are used for movement not for fastening. The expressions loosen/tighten seem to me improper to use in this case. Or what about a general movement along a thread trajectory?
BTW does anyone have a more particular knowledge how to distinguish a screw and a bolt? I think there are differences between British and American English in this terminology and I've read lots of descriptions of these parts but they differ.

Ja v podstate uvazuju tak, ze screw = vrut, bolt = sroub. Ale mozna ze bolt je jenom takovy sroub, ktery ma „hexa“ hlavu a to ostatni je screw, ale nejsem si jist.

2) myslis taped nebo tapered?

I think it is American English to use hexagon head bolt, alen bolt, to bolt something on and so on. But I am not sure if English would say hexagon head screw. It is normal in catalogues, but I don't know real life. Otherwise a bolt can be a screw with threads at both sides.

tapped means threaded (double p, sorry)
tapered means conical

It would be American English I think.


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