Help for English



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My seminar work is about english, history of english and internet. I write my opinion how is english connected with english and how the internet influences on people and culture. Mainly I write how the internet helps me to improve my english and also how the internet motivates me to learn. I also give some useful website which I usually use. The Internet is very connected with english. Why? Now it is the most widely used language in the world. English is the national language in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland South Africa and New Zealand. And in many countries english is one of official language. The history of English was very expanded from the 16th to 19th centuries because of the big power of British empire. Great Britain has a lot of colonies all over the World including USA. The economic was growing in the USA, so english spreads across the planet very quickly. The USA has a big power to this day, andit is other mason why english is so populár. As you can see here English is the most using language on the internet. I have to agree with Suzanne Kemmer (…s/chron.html) that English has greater impact than ever on other languages. Finally english becomes lingua franca because of all these reasons. But what lingua franca actually means? It means that english is so much spread, that it is used in international trade, diplomacy, science and technology. In my view it is very important to know english at least a bit. If I mention the history of english from the beginning I look up in the website ( that English is a germanic language which appears during the 5th century with arrival of three Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and Jutes ). The inhabitants of Britain previously spoke a Celtic language. But they were pushed into Wales, Cornwall and Scotland and the language was displaced. The Angles were used language called Englisc. By the 10th century the West Saxons brought new dialekt, known as old English. It was written in an alfabet called Runic. Christian missionaries brought over Latin alphabet. French language from Norman-French influences the english. Because of Norman conquest of England in the 11th century there are a lot of words from french. It was called as Middle language. Modern English started develop in 15th century. Modern English is influenced by languages from all over the world. I am very interested in studying languages from my early age, especially english. I start learning english at the age of nine years approximately. In that time, there was no Internet. We were used to learn just from the text books, CD player etc. But then, Internet appeared and suddenly everything changed. The using of the internet influences culture, education and economic all over the world. The history of the Internet is connected with the development of the computers in the 1950s and afterwards with the computer network. The main impulse was Cold war between USA and USSR. But it was not used between the normal people. The big expansion of the Internet started in 1990 when the email and world wide webside was created. Firstly I was using internet just for fun, I was playing PC games on the Internet with my friends. Unintentionally I learnt english because for playing games I need to know simply words in English, like „exit, game over, start and others. At school we were doing exercises on the Internet. It is good because I can correct it and learn from my mistakes. The other advantage is that I can also do some exercises. In my opinion the thing that helps me to improve my language skills is watching movies and serials, which I can also downoload from Internet. I love waching movies in english with czech subtitles. It sounds better than dubbed. In addiction when I hear english at the same time reading czech substitles, I can remember these words and phares better. Sometimes my friends say something surprising and it reminds me known phare from sitcom wow are you kidding me?.“ It makes me laugh everytime.“ On the website I download all my favourites sitcoms and films. I totally love all How I met your mother. It is about five friends (two of them are married with each other) living in New York. The main character is Ted Mosby, who is architect and he tells all their stories to his children. He want to explain them how he met his wife by very long way. My other favorite sitcoms are Friends, The bing bang theory, the nanny, gossip girl. From films I prefere romantic and horror films.. On the Internet I may also watch films, documents, or TV online. The social network like facebook has many benefits, because when I write something to school and I am hopeless, I just go on Facebook to ask my friend. They také me an advice and encourage me. Internet gives me the opportunity to communicate with people from all over the Word. Through the facebook, which is the most populár networking website, I met a lot of new people from other countries. Because of the internet everyone can be in connection with their friends and family, no matter where they are. And how much is the internet good as a source of education? Well, as I said there are a lot sof websites, where you can practise your english, for example In my view i tis the most well arranged website. It was founded in 2006 by Marek Vít, who is teacher. He is well-educated. As I can see on the website…/3-marek-vit he has certificate CPE, prize LABEL – european teacher of languages and he studied a lot of universities. At grammary school we were using this internet website very often. You can find there a lot of articles, listening, exercisises, tests, tips and also entertainment. At the time of some festival or christmas or Easter, you can see there many song, articles and other thing connected with these occasions. In my opininon the best thing about that website is that there are very good explained your mistakes in exercises. I also find there a lot of useful internet websites, tips how to learn good english and others. The other good website is There are a lot of articles about sport, weather, health, travel, TV, radio, food, nature, music and news from world. I tis translated to many languages. I can also practise my english here:…ningenglish/ , not just educated and boring articles, but also very interesting materials for improving my english. And if I do not want to learn just on the internet. I prefer books INFOA, which I can order here These books help me to prepare for maturita exam very well. In comparison with buying in the bookshops on the internet you can find books very cheap and there is a great choice. But you should be careful, there are a lot of false online – shops which earn money by deception. Anyway I have bad experience with ordering on the internet. I bought clothes in some shop, but I did not get the goods. Fortunately, It was not so expensive. From that time I beware of buying on the internet.

If I want to read something easy and learn some new words, I will go to this website There are articles arranged from levels of english. Through the internet I chat with my friends from foreign countries. I can find them on the website or here…anguage.html Why is chatting with foreigns (especially from england and USA) good for me? Firstly I improve my english by thinking of typical communicate phares. Secondly I can get to know their culture, habits, and see the difference of language skills of foreigns. I remember that I wrote with girl from England, she has very difficult english not easy to understand me. On the other hand, the boy from the France, who was here at our grammar school as exchange student, he tottaly can not to speak so well as our most of the czech student. Maybe it was because of pride to his language. Either way he had no interest about english language, his english was not very good. And he wanted to chat with with me french (I learn French as my second language). I know that listening is my weakness, so I find some good internet websites like: where I can listen at the same way as read the text. For me, it is the most effetive way to improve my listening. Also listening to music, and undestanding the text is a good way. I love english songs, especially modern. I want to know what they singing, so I find it on the internet. From songs I learned a lot of words and phares and then, when I hear the song I remember these words and phares. Czech websites focus on learning of english are, where is grammar, idioms, test, quizzes. Just everything necessary. I am used to use dictionaries on the internet, because it is quicker. My favourites are To know vocubalary is very important, if you do not know words, you can not to speak. The biggest encyclopedia is Wikipedia (…C3%AD_strana ).It is multilingual and free, which means that everyone can change and write articles. The czech wikipedia was established in 2002. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of internet. websites and information which are not certified and trusted. You should try to look up the other sources to verify if the information are really true. Why? Think about it, that everyone can has access to the internet, so everyone can write on the internet. So If I am looking for important thing I find verified websites. Because of big spreading of using internet English change in many ways. “I can paraphrase Crystal from article published in BBC…/1235945.stm who stated that, "Change is so fast, that attempts by the Oxford English Dictionary to record and codify all the new words and ways in which they are trailing way behind. They can't keep up. Nobody could. " Crystal estimates that the vocabulary of ICE-type "World English” is increasing at the rate of at least 5,000 new words every year. And I have to agree with him. For example, online – chat has a lot communication abbrevations to express how you feel and what want to say. Here you can see typical abbrevation which are used between teenagers especially.

ASAP – As Soon As Possible BTW – By The Way FYI – For Your Information GR8 – Great i<3u – I kiss you KK – O. K. O. K. LOL – Laughing Out Loud NP – No Problem OMG – Oh My God PLS – Please ROFL – Rolling On The Floor Laughing THX – Thanks
WTF? – What the fuck? W8 – Wait XOXO – hug and kisse In conclusion, I have to say that using of Internet is very good, important and useful for education of english and for others languages. You can find there a lot of material which are freely avaible. But on the other hand, there are some disadvatages of internet like unverified information, piracy, deception etc. People could read and use books for learning and they also should prefer personal contact to chatting.

Prosím o opravu chyb :)

Můžete začít tím, že si všude opravíte english na English a sám najdete překlepy (např. populár).

8-O Pardon, ale na tohle fakt nemám ani náladu, ani čas.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od blanuulkaa vložený před 12 lety

Prosím o opravu chyb :)

Korektury v takovém rozsahu prosím neposílejte na diskusní fórum. Za korektury se normálně běžně platí jako jakoukoliv jinou službu… překladatelství, výuka jazyků, vodoinstalace v bytě, oprava ledničky atd.

Je rozdíl, když chce někdo pomoci s domácím úkolem, neví si rady s časem, předložkou, členem apod. Ale nečekal bych, že zde někdo stráví např. hodinu svého času tím, že bude zdarma dělat korektury, překlady apod.

Máte-li zájem o placenou korekturu porozhlédněte se na internetu, nebo se podívejte na moje stránky

Děkuji za pochopení.


Vlákno je zamčené. Nelze do něj přispívat.

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