Help for English

Mít na někoho páky.


Mít prostředky/kom­petence. Jak se to prosím řekne? Díky

Ze slovníku Lingea:

have the authority to do something

Určitě někdo ještě doplní.

to have power over sb

Tohle mě celkem zaujalo: “to have leverage over someone”…ary/leverage…e-an-example

Ano, LEVERAGE je vhodné slovo, máme i v našem slovníčku.


I keep hearing about a man in the Moon, but I thought we brought them all back to Earth. Am I missing something here? (…) Do you guys have any pull with NASA? Could you ask them to send out astronauts to bring home those millions of pizzas that are lying around on Io? (source, p35)

  • have some pull with him because he owes me a favour.

Does the Obama administration have any sway over Egypt’s military? (source)

  • haven't got any sway over him, I'm afraid. Once he's made his decision, he won't let anyone change his mind.

Prime Minister John Key has failed to pull any strings with his friend and British counterpart David Cameron with a “disappointing” jump in tax for travel between the two countries confirmed. (source)

  • I'll try and pull some strings with your boss to see if I can wangle a promotion for you.


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