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I do not want to hang you up.

Tohle jsem slysel (aspon myslim) od rodileho mluvciho. Muzete mi prosim nekdo potvrdit, ze jsem se nepreslechl – ze je to gramaticky OK.

Doposud jsem totiz znal jenom „hang up“ – zavesit sluchatko

Predem dekuji za reakce


(North American English)
a problem that delays something being agreed or achieved
The ABM treaty is a key hang-up in negotiations.

(oxford dictionary)

dopuručuju v podobných případech projet slovníky typu cambridge,oxfor­d apod.

Prijde mi, ze ve vami uvedem prikladu je hang-up pouzite jako podstatne jmeno.

to ano, to je. význam je ale stejný i u slovesa.

hang up sb/sth or hang sb/sth up (American)

to delay someone or something
Computer problems have been hanging us up all week.
We were hung up in traffic for over an hour.

I don't know the usage „hang up“ to mean delay, but I know „hold up“. Could be an American regional or a BrE v AE thing. (I'm from the Washington, DC area of the US).

Neni takove nejpouzivanejsi KEEP? I DON'T WANT TO KEEP YOU..

I do not want to hang you up. Je to naprosto správně. Hezky česky že ten hovor nechce ukončit.

Kdyby jsi ty nechtěl, aby někdo ukončil hovor, tak můžeš říct jenom Don't hang up nebo Don't hang me up

@Battlefield – Mmm…I think it would be „I don't want to hang up“ for the telephone thing – „I don't want to stop talking to you on the phone“. „Hang up on someone“ means to end the conversation abruptly, as in anger. „He was so mad, he just hung up on me without saying goodbye.“

If you don't want someone to end the conversation, you'd say „Don't hang up on me“ or just „don't hang up“. But definitely not „don't hang me up“ – that means don't poveset me :)

But as far as referring to a delay, „hang you up“ or „keep you (waiting)“ or „hold you up“ are all correct, AFAIK. („hang you up“ is new to me, but as I said earlier, it could be a regional difference)

of course the right way is don't hang up on me. I sort of got confused. Sorry for that and thank you, americanka, for clarifying that.


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