Help for English

Use of English #10

Komentáře k článku: Use of English 10


když je někdo na návštěvě, bereme to tak, že mu nenabídneme JEDEN čaj, ale prostě čaj.

Why there is no possible to say: I work AT school. ?

1.I think that ‘In (a) school’ is typical in American English.

2. In/at a school would say a teacher; In/at school without article would say a student.

Is that right?

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Ota vložený před 10 lety

Why there is no possible to say: I work AT school. ?

1.I think that ‘In (a) school’ is typical in American English.

2. In/at a school would say a teacher; In/at school without article would say a student.

Is that right?

Ještě jeden dotaz:

I would like to work in/at a school.



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