Help for English

Phrasal Verbs Game


keep away from sb/sth – držet se od někoho/něčeho dál

In my book, horror movies should be kept away from children. TTT
Keep away from me! TTT

go away – odejít, jít pryč

He just didn't want to talk with me so he told me to go away.

go along with sth – souhlasit s něčím (např. plánen, názorem, atd.)

There was nothing to worry about so I went along with the plan.

sing along with sb/sth – zpívat zároven (s)

If you know this song, go ahead and sing along with me.

get on/along with – dobře s někým vycházet (mít hezký vztah)

We want to get along with our neighbours. TTT

get by – přežít, protlouct se, vyjít (s malým objemem peněz, zásob)

My salary isn't great but I manage to get by.

get over with – skoncovat s něčím, odbýt si něco

Your story is really boring so get over with it.

get (a)round to doing sth – dostat se k necemu (konecne si najit cas na neco)

My wife was glad when I finally got around to putting up the shelves in our living room.

look around/round something – to walk around a room, building, or place and see what is there

Are you going to looking around the school tomorrow morning? TTT

look up to sb – vzhlížet k někomu, obdivovat někoho, mít ho jako vzor apod.

Sebastian Vettel: When I started racing, Michael Schumacher was always the one I was looking up to.

go up – růst, stoupat (o cenách apod.)

Our head of departement expects the price of scrap metal to go up.TTT

beam sb up (sci-fi) – teleportovat (se), transportovat (se) z planety na lod pomoci transportniho paprsku

Captain Kirk to Enterprise: three to beam up. TTT

grow up on – something used for talking about things that you did a lot, or things that you had a lot of, when you were a child

We grew up on these stories.

break up with sb – rozejít se (s někým)

  • ‘Have you been crying?’
  • ‘Yeah. Tim cheated on me. So I broke up with him.’
  • ‘Do you want some hot beverage?’ ;-)

break something off – náhle ukončit (vztah)
I knew she was getting ready to break it off, but Tom didn't. TTT


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