Help for English

What's your favorite book?


I meant equal mark instead of quality. My got, i am kinda absentminded today. :oops:

I noticed that there are a few comments concerning a book named Hunger Games and according to your comments it sounds to be good and worth reading book. Unfortunately I didn't manage to find any internet store where I could buy it in english (except for but I'd prefer an internet store in the Czech Republic). So I was wondering if you could help me which would be very nice of you. Thanks

I suggest that you send an email to and see if they can order the book for you. That's the easiest way if you don't want to purchase it abroad.

It didn't occur to me. That will probably be the best way…Thanks

Neverwhere and Neil Gaiman generally, books by Pratchett, Jasper Fforde, all sorts.

As far as I know, the other day Mckay provided me with a link of a bookstore in the UK, I guess, which let you purchase books you want with no shipping. I didn't take advantage of that, because I generally don't have much time for reading. But that bookstore seemed really good, nonetheless.

Rebecca (D.du Maurier)! Absolutely! It's easy and quite dramatic.

As for reading books, I am in the same position as Roman, impatience governs me, though I have to admit that I have read some, be it compulsory university reading or my own initiative.

I do realize the benefits of vocabulary consolidation as McKay is mentioning here Thus I have recently discovered for me better way of expanding my vocabulary. is a site full of volunteers who actually recorded those books which are in the public domain, that means they are no longer subjected to the copyright. I simply download the mp3s and put it on my mp3 player and then listen to it while I go for a walk or travel to school. Obviously, sometimes I get impatient just as much as I would reading a book but I believe it is my own problem which I need to overcome. You guys are allright. I recommend this.

I am now on an distopian kick. Just recently I read a book called The Handmaid's Tale by M. Atwood and Never Let Me Go by K. Ishiguro which I really enjoyed. Also books by I. McEwan and R. Bradbury are very good.
My recommendation: The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
I am definitely going to read the Hunger Games as you recomended.

To Crazyflower: The film based on the novel Never Let Me Go has been finished this year and its premiere was in September. I checked Internet and the movie has even won some film awards already…(besides others,with Keira Knightley and Carrey Mulligan as main charactes).

Been reading „Catcher in the Rye“ by Sillinger. A good one for (older) teenagers.


Sorry, yeah. Dr. B. would kill me at the state exams :--).

Well, what I I find very good to read is Harry Potter. Since 18. Noveber Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been shown, so I downloaded an aoudiobook in english. And i understand quite well. I recommad it for those, who has already read the book, or for those, who are good in english.

In search of lost times by marcel Proust {I would like to have the previous translation Remembrance of things past..} Another book I must mention is Citadel by Exupery. I like a lot of books {and one of my hobbies is book collecting} but the two books I mentioned are so great {to me} that it useless to mention others.. Janatanek mentioned little prince.. I do love the book and I think it a very underestimated work.. I also like poetry and Humbert Wolfe is my favourite. Generally I am interested in Francis Bacon.


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