Help for English

Mistletoe, Holly and Ivy

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 08.12.2006

Gramatické cvičení, ve kterém budete mít za úkol doplnit do textu o ‚vánočních rostlinách‘ správné výrazy (z nabídky).

Mistletoe, Holly and Ivy

In ancient , these plants symbolised new life. They grew berries were the seeds of new life the time of year when most things looked dead. Originally people decorated homes with these berries they looked very pretty and offered hope for the spring. Christians kept the old of decorating their houses with these berry plants but looked for Christian meanings in the plants,  .

Ivy is the of friendship which is to remain strong and for years. It was brought indoors Christmas, because it was traditionally a time to and renew friendships. 

Mistletoe is brought indoors because the old belief that people meet under the mistletoe will remain friends for a long time, and enemies that meet under the mistletoe will stop and become friends.

More recently mistletoe is over doorways, and to be kissed under the mistletoe is good luck.

Article written by Carol Rainbow.

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