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Při čtení rozhovoru s Joshem Ryanem si můžete k poslechu pustit jeho píseň NOT TODAY, o které tvrdí, že je jeho nejoblíbenější.
Question Time with Josh Ryan

1. Could you in several words describe what kind of person you are?
Well, I think the way other people describe you probably paints a more accurate picture. But, in a few words, I would say that I am…
quick-witted (sometimes too much)
2. Have you always wanted to be a musician? When did you discover your talent?
No, I don't think I always wanted to be in music. Sports was my thing growing up. Baseball in particular. I didn't make the high school team, so I started looking at other things. We had this performing group at our high school called, Attache. They were one of the best showchoirs in the country, and provided a very professional atmosphere. I knew I could sing, and I loved to perform. But, being a part of that group totally opened my eyes at what it could be like in the music industry.
3. Do your family support you as a musician and how do they feel about your music?
Yeah, they totally support what I'm doing. I've been blessed in that sense.
4. Do you remember what your first CD was?
It's probably not the first CD I bought, but it's the first one I remember making an impact. It was “Cracked Rear View” by Hootie and The Blowfish. Not very cool… I know.
5. Which of your songs do you like best and why is it your favorite?
“Not Today” is probably my favorite. It was the first song I wrote on my album so it kind of holds a special place because of that. Plus, it's been everyone else's favorite as well, which is rewarding.
6. If you could choose one famous singer to perform on stage with, who would you pick and why?
Oooh… That's a good one. Well, if you're talking about singers that are still alive, probably Bono. He's just a great showman.
7. What do you do when you're not writing / recording / performing music?
I'm usually doing one of those three things most of time. But, I try to play golf a good bit. It keeps me humble.
8. Quite a few of your songs are about love. What or who is your inspiration?
Well, an individual song can have a handful of inspirations. Whether it be a movie you just saw, a couple you just walked by on the street, or a specific relationship you had. I know I, and my co-writers, have pulled from all of those situations for the songs on my album. Probably the most personal song is “Step Outside.” It's heavily inspired by a relationship I had that had just run its course. Both of us still cared for each other, but we both knew the relationship wasn't going to work. So, “Step Outside” was intended to capture that moment of realization.
9. Could you tell us something about your latest project, Secrets in Stereo?
Secrets in Stereo is me. I felt like the music I was creating worked better when presented under a band name. And I've been happy with that decision. Also, there are so many people that have put so much time and effort into what I'm doing, whether it be co-writers, co-producers, musicians, I just thought using an all encompassing name would be more appropriate.
10. What kind of message would you give to our readers, students of English, over here in the Czech Republic?
My motto has always been… “Live each day as if it's your last.” That would be my message to them. Some people see that as depressing, but I see it as empowering. Whatever it is that you do, do it big and don't fear failure. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow isn't guaranteed. You've got today. What are you going to do with it?
Josh Ryan on helpforenglish.cz:
“Not Today” by Josh
“Happy” by Josh
“Beautiful” by
Josh Ryan