Help for English

Irregular Verbs: TEST (upper-inter. 2)

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 02.11.2009

Otestujte si znalosti nepravidelných sloves v druhém testu úrovně UPPER-INTERMEDIATE.

Vyberte nejvhodnější sloveso a doplňte do každé věty jeho správný tvar:

  cast string
  cling thrust
  fling tread
  rid weave
  slit wring
  1. Our Christmas tree is beautifully with the new lights which my mum bought in England on her business trip in November.
  2. I agree that your arguments were insightful and new light on the subject, but I think you should also discuss this matter with our general manager.
  3. The little girl a beautiful basket from wicker and gave it to her mum as a Christmas present.
  4. He grew angrier by the second and then the book across the classroom. It almost hit the teacher.
  5. She was very anxious. After work she ran home, opened the letterbox and there it was. A letter from her lawyer. She opened the envelope and eagerly read through it.
  6. There was a lot of questioning and the policemen eventually the necessary information out of the culprit.
  7. The girl was missing for more than a month, but her brother to the hope that she was alive, despite his parents fearing the worst.
  8. I barefoot on a bee and the bee responded by spearing its sting into the sole of my foot. It swelled up and turned red.
  9. I just can't believe that after all these years I was able to find a doctor who me of the pain I'd been suffering from for so long.
  10. It was freezing cold that morning. He his hands into his pockets, rolled up his collar, ducked his head and went to work.

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Pokračovat můžete zde:


Irregular Verbs: TEST (upper-inter. 1)

Otestujte si znalosti nepravidelných sloves v prvním testu úrovně UPPER-INTERMEDIATE.


Irregular Verbs: TEST (upper-inter. 3)

Otestujte si znalosti nepravidelných sloves ve třetím testu úrovně UPPER-INTERMEDIATE.


Irregular Verbs: TEST (intermediate 2)

Otestujte si znalosti nepravidelných sloves v druhém testu úrovně INTERMEDIATE.

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Nepřečteno Irregular Verbs: TEST (upper-inter. #2) 5 9771 Od Narim poslední příspěvek
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