Help for English

TEA and COFFEE (test)

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 26.09.2010

Umíte správně používat obraty spojené s čajem a kávou? Otestujte se.

Pokud váháte, přečtěte si více zde: TEA není pouze čaj a CAFÉ vs. COFFEE.

  1. If you want to make a really nice cup of coffee, you should buy ________ to grind at home. You need a coffee grinder and an espresso machine.

  2. The little plate that you place under a cup is called ________.

  3. It is very quick to boil water these days. Most households have a ________ in the kitchen. Boiling water is ready in a few minutes.

  4. You can serve hot milk in a milk ________.

  5. Latte macchiato (or simply latte) is basically an espresso shot with ________ milk.

  6. People usually serve sugar cubes in a sugar ________.

  7. It is much easier to prepare tea using teabags. You should try using ________, however, because the tea is much more delicious then.

  8. It is still quite common to make Turkish coffee in our country. All you need is boiling water and ________.

  9. Do you know what ‘cream tea’ means? – It's typical for Great Britain and it actually is ________.

  10. Fruit tea is also very popular. Since there are no tea leaves in it, however, some people simply call it ________.

  11. In Britain people often have a ________, which means ‘a cup of tea’.

  12. Coffee with no caffeine is ________. It is informal English. You can also say decaffeinated coffee or caffeine-free coffee.

  13. A ________ is a big cup, usually with straight sides, which you can hold with both hands.

  14. A cafeteria is ________.

  15. A café is ________.

Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme! , která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.

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Další dvě slova, která se studentům pletou, ať už jde o výslovnost či pravopis. Naučíme se také spoustu užitečných vazeb spojených s kávou.


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Quiz: Coffee Trivia

Dnešní vědomostní kvíz se zaměří na to, co víte o přípravě kávy.
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