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Commas: Jared Leto vs. Kurt Cobain

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 13.06.2011

Do textu o zpěvákovi skupiny 30 Seconds to Mars a jeho cover verzi Cobainovy písně PENNYROYAL TEA budete mít za úkol doplnit čárky.

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A day after the 17th death anniversary of the legendary rocker Kurt Cobain _ Jared Leto posted a clip on his website _ in which he acted just like the Nirvana frontman _ and sang their smash hit song ‘Pennyroyal Tea.’

While the fans were struck by the realness of the emotions put into the voice _ and the video shoot of the song _ the critics think of it as more of an audition for the Cobain-based movie _ which has been a much discussed but less-executed project until now. Leto _ however _ ma­intains _ that he just wanted to look into _ what it was like to be in Cobain's creative world. On April 30 _ Leto got another chance to clarify _ what he actually meant by the short clip and what were the reasons _ which lead him to make such a video.

Many of Nirvana fans didn't like Leto's recrea­tion _ and thoroughly spoke their minds out. Although _ Leto wasn’t aware of the negative feedback _ he has received by some of the viewers _ he understands their disapproval. However _ he says _ that it just felt right doing so _ and he never intended to harm Cobain’s legacy.

Adapted from an article by louiswebs123

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