Help for English

How i participated in Pratchett competition...


I can understand the marathon feeling :-) I read the Potter books in English too. It was fun but with every book I had that feeling it was not really suitable for smaller kids – more politics and less “fairytaleishness”.

Wow, you have changed the topic since I was here last time. The longest and the best book I have ever read in English is Haunted written by Chuck Palahniuk. It took me two months (beside all my duties, of course)
But my problem was that I couldn't keep the line of the story and I often had to return to the previous chapters. You may know it: before you get to the end you forget how it began and who is good and who is bad after all.

I know this very well. It happens to me especially since my son was born. I don’t have much time for reading and it takes me much longer to read a book before. When I don’t have time to read regularly, I keep forgetting the previous things I read.


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