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Question Time with Matt Epp

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 06.02.2010

Exkluzivní rozhovor, který našim stránkám poskytl kanadský muzikant Matt Epp, jehož několik písní je ke slyšení i na našich stránkách.

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Question Time with

Matt Epp

Matt Epp CDPři čtení rozhovoru si k poslechu můžete pustit píseň This Old House z Mattova posledního alba:

Nahrávku můžete spustit zde:

1. Could you in several words describe what kind of person you are?

I'm a very friendly person that cares very much about people. I often hug people the first time I meet them. Music is very important to me, especially for the reason that it is a universal language. Even when I am singing in a country where the audiences don't speak English, it seems that everyone still understands the soul, or spirit, behind the songs. I'm a very busy person and I work all the time, but I try to enjoy every moment of my life - even the hard ones. I like being outside, especially in the sunshine. I enjoy fishing and snowboarding very much. Perhaps most important to describe me, I believe in God and love Jesus. I think it makes me who I am.

2. When did you first decide you wanted to be a musician?

I started playing music in 2004, and in 2005 decided that I would become a musician as a career. I was very inspired and felt like it was the thing I was meant to do with my life. I am very lucky to know what it is I'm meant to do. Love people and sing!

3. What was the first record you ever bought? Do you still listen to the music you listened to back then?

I don't remember what the first record I bought was, but it may have been a punk band from Sweden or something like that. I don't listen to the same music as I did then very much, but I still enjoy all kinds of music as long as it's good! I listen to everything from Bob Dylan to Wu Tang Clan, or The Clash to Sam Cooke. All genuinely good music and good songwriting.

4. What do you consider to be your greatest success as a musician?

I think my greatest success as a musician is my perseverance. It is a very difficult career and I feel successful to just be able to work at it full time. Each time I hear of someone's life being affected in a positive way by my music, I feel successful.

5. Your song THE MOM SONG is very popular on our website. Could you give us a little background to the song? What inspired you?

I'm glad it's popular! I like it too. I was talking with my friend Kerri Woelke (who sings with me on that song, and has also recorded it) and we thought that there should be a love song for mothers. We noticed that many love songs are not very realistic, and they don't reflect the love that happens every day in the work of a mother, and in a family. I don't know if many people have noticed that the song is not gender specific in any lyrics, only in the title. We wrote it that way because it is a conversation between the parents of a family. It's a song for all moms.

6. Which song in your 'catalog' do you like best and why?

It's a very hard thing for me to decide which song of my catalogue I like best. Every day it could change. I think it might be 'This Old House'. It's on my new album called 'Safe or Free'. I think the analogies are simple and they illustrate a long-lasting and committed love very well. I think everybody wants this kind of love, and so the song seems to appeal to almost everyone.

7. You're in Germany right now. How are you liking Europe? How is your music received in Germany?

I love Europe! I promise that I will come back often and play many many concerts here. Germany is receiving me and my music very well. Great audiences and fun new venues of all kinds. I've been lucky to meet great new friends in a short amount of time here. Even though I don't know how to speak German, there are enough people here that speak some English that are helping me find my way around.

8. What do you like about doing live concerts?

Live concerts are my favorite thing about music. I feel at home on stage, even though sometimes I can be nervous until the moment I start singing. I love that I can share an experience with many strangers where we can all laugh together, and sometimes tears are shed. Like I said in the first answer, music is a universal language and it's like a community gathering and new friends are made at every live concert.

9. Are you working on any new projects right now?

Yes I'm working on a couple of new projects. I'm writing songs that will eventually be on two different albums. I'm also slowly putting together a full time band for touring and recording and I'm very excited for that. Also, I'm working on a secret project called 'AMORIA'. That's all I can say about it right now!

10. This interview will be read mostly by Czech students of English. Is there something that you would like to tell them?

Matt EppHello friends!! I would like to say thank you for listening to my songs, and I hope they have done good things in your hearts! I hope and look forward to meeting you in person one day, maybe soon, in your country. Have fun with English, sorry it's a confusing language to learn, even I have trouble understanding it sometimes!! It's a good thing you have a good teacher that cares about you. Feel free to send me a note on myspace or facebook, some of you have in the past and I always read them. Warm wishes in a cold winter, Matt.

Thank you, Matt. We hope to meet you in person one day and hear your music live! Thanks for sharing with us today.

Matt Epp on

The Mom Song - píseň + cvičení na doplňování chybějících slov do textu, český překlad
Hallelujah - píseň + cvičení na doplňování chybějících slov do textu, český překlad

Matt Epp on the Internet: - oficiální stránky interpreta
MySpace/mattepp - Matt Epp na MySpace

Matt Epp - official website

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Copyright info:

THIS OLD HOUSE written and performed by Matt Epp. Copyright 2009, all rights reserved. Used with permission.

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