Je správně věta “I will be coming at 5 p.m.” nebo “I will come at
5 p.m. "?
Obojí je správně.
průběhový čas (…) Plány: Budoucí průběhový čas se používá
také v případech, kdy mluvíme o tom, jak máme něco naplánované. Často
se objeví např. při popisu plánu nějaké cesty, dovolené apod.
- We will be leaving at 5 am.
[Podobně: I'll be coming at 5 p.m
… vysvětlení budoucího času ve větě "I'm laying lying on a beach in
Spain next week.”
“I'm going to Prague tomorrow” is fine. That's a plan: you probably made
some arrangements (e.g. booked a ticket) beforehand, and you probably intend to
do something in Prague.
“I'm lying on a beach in Spain next week” is unusual
. You
can't really describe this as a “plan”. The speaker transports himself
mentally into next week and sees the action of lying on a beach as if
it's happening now. This is not recommended usage,
it's colloquial/sloppy, the speaker may not be well educated.
… to spadá do oblasti vlastních vizí, přání a mělo by to správně
být ve formě “I will be laying on a
Máte pravdu: “I will be lying on a beach in
Spain next week.” 
… dle klíče v učebnici …
I have written TEFL teaching material myself and I wouldn't use this
sentence as an example. “Laying” for “lying” is wrong (but a common
The moral of the story? Even English (and Czech) native speakers don't always
use English (and Czech) properly.