Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


Just finished the first season of HIMYM last night. I totally loved it. I have to buy the other two seasons now.

It's really difficult to compare HIMYM and Friends. I can't say one is better than the other, they are both different. But I must say that Friends, especially the last two or three seasons, made me laugh out loud much more often than HIMYM.

Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica ducks to avoid flying objects What can I say, I am a sci-fi geek! :-D :oops: Heroes are not bad either, but second season sucked!
BTW Has anyone here seen The Big Bang Theory? I´ve heard it´s hilarious but I can´t bring myself to watch it … :?

There's something about Friends. I don't know why but I think it's much funnier than HIMYM. At least I enjoyed it more. That's true, they are both different. But while I was watching Friends, I was in stitches all the time. :-) Well, I'm gonna have to consider which TV show I'm gonna buy next. There are so many good shows, so it's hard to choose which one. Probably the O.C.

Heroes? Yeah, Heroes is another great TV show. I don't think the second season sucked. I have to admit I liked it more than the first season.

I think I saw only one episode of The Big Bang Theory. I can't say if it was good or bad. But everyone says it's awesome.

I don't know about Heroes. I liked the first season but not right from the start. Maybe after the fifth episode, I don't know. And I've only seen the first season. Never made myself watch the second one.

Stargate Atlantis, yeah, it's a good show. Although there's something I can't stand about these sci-fi series (SG1, SGA etc). They are SOOOOOO unrealistic. Teen soaps are unrealistic on some level, too, but sci-fi like SG… oh come on! Seriously! The worlds they visit.. the technology they use… the fact that McKay and others always solve even the hardest of puzzles and manage to crash into any computer of any alien civ… (just imagine how hard it is to find anything in your own computer sometimes)… oh, I don't know. But I watch it anyway. :-D

The worst part is that I don't watch movies anymore because of all the series… :-) Movies seem too short now, when you begin to like them, they're over. With series, it's different. You can watch them every day, you can see the characters grow, develop, change…

Right now I'm watching the third season of One Tree Hill. Teen soaps. :-)

There is a new show called The secret life of the American teenager. It's a little similar to the other teen soaps but..I watch it anyway. It's about 15-year-old girl who finds out she's pregnant. It's crazy, I know. But it's not that bad.

I think I've never seen One Tree Hill. Is that good? If you have to choose which show is better, will you choose The O.C. or One Tree Hill? :-)

Yes, of course that Stargate Atlantis is great show. Especially the fourth season.

I've tried to watch Battlestar Galactica several times. But never convinced me to watch more episodes. I was kinda bored while I was watching it.

Has anyone seen Doctor Who? :-) It's fantastic. :-) Another sci-fi show, I know, I know. But this one is special. First episodes were difficult to watch because there were aliens. And they seemed to me really weird. :-) Now, this show has become a part of my life and I can't live without it. It's a pity it's too expensive on DVDs. Oh damn. What am I gonna do? :-)

The O.C. or One Tree Hill?

Definitely the O.C.. I loved it from the beginning. The pilot of the O.C. is probably the best series pilot I've ever seen, one that immediately gets you.

One Tree Hill is okay, I guess. There is probably too much drama… love triangles, teen marriages, car crashes etc. I'm in the third season now and I think it's getting better. You can maybe just watch the pilot and decide for yourself.
And Schuler Fisk appeared in one episode, which totally made my day. I'm a big fan of Schuyler's.

Do you know „Seven Heaven“? It's the only Soap Opera I watch :-D

I only saw one episode and had no idea what was going on. :-) It's running on PRIMA channel, I think. I don't watch it because it's in Czech language. :-)

Well, somewhere outhere it's in english :-D
And Atlantis… is it also strange to you, that everywhere in the galaxy pople speak in english? :-)

seqwence : Yes, that´s a bit funny, but what I like is that the show is really good at making fun of itself and laughing about it etc., so it does not bother me that much. Imagine how much time they will have to spend translating? They have ancient and that´s enough I guess :-)

Mckay: Yes, Battlestar Galactica is a bit of a long run, you can´t get into it if you don´t start from the beginning and stick with it…and it´s a drama, so…

Marek Vít: Don´t even get me started on teen soaps. O.C, One Three Hill, Beverly Hills … all the same thing to me. Sorry, I prefer unrealistic phycical laws and arrogant Rodney McKays who always save the day to teenagers pining for each other. At least this makes me go back to my physics textbook to look something up every so often…and believe me, I tried. I think I saw 5 whole episodes of O.C., you just know they will eventually end up together, so what´s the point? Sorry, :oops: I am just rambling at this point (´cause I feel so strongly about this). But it´s good for English, though. At least you pick up more than ZPMs and interstellar crap 8-) Are you caught up on fifth season, yet?

With SGA? No, I'm in the middle of the fourth season. :-)

As for soaps, I like them especially because of English and the kind of language that COULD be used in everyday life. Like you said, life is not about ZPMs, event horizons, beaming people on and off space ships… So I watch soaps and even though they may not be realistic, the people there talk about real things. And I admit, they sometimes sweep me away…

And, you know, those of us who have never had the chance to live in an English speaking country… it's kinda like that. After you've watched all the episodes of The O.C., for example, that's about 64 hours in total… you spend 64 hours in an English speaking environnment… Isn't that great?

But I have to admit, they're sometimes a bit silly. But so is life, sometimes. :-)

I couldn't wait much longer, I just had to order 2 seasons of The O.C. I know it's not cheap at this time but the important thing is that it helps me improving my English. :-)

absolutely…Prison Break…Yee Sarah is alive cause it wasn't her head…I'm really looking forward for meet her and Michael :-)
But I like Gilmmore Girls tooo…It's so funny :-D

Sara isn't the only one who's alive

Paul Kellerman is also returning :-)


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